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Dance Therapy

Modern dance therapy, also called dance/movement therapy, finds its origins with modern dance pioneers like Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham and Doris Humphrey. They transformed dance from stylized forms like ballet into a self-expressive, spontaneous form, where individuality was encouraged. In the 1940s, after turning to a career as a dance instructor, Marian Chace noticed that for some of her students dance was an emotional outlet for feelings they needed to express, not just a series of movements. She encouraged her students to concentrate on experiencing these emotions through movement, rather than focusing on the actual technique of the dance routine. Chace said of her work, “this rhythmic action in unison with others results in a feeling of well-being, relaxation, and good fellowship.”

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Dance Therapy

Dance therapists believe that the body, mind, and emotions, are interrelated and that the state of the body has a positive or negative affect on our attitude and feelings. Illness, injury, emotional and physical trauma can cause us to become out of balance and our way of expression and functioning in the world changes as well. Dance therapy seeks to open up these restrictions by allowing the patient to uncover and express them in movement, integrating and accepting them as part of the whole. It also provides a means of communication beyond the self, enabling the individual to go beyond any isolation to connect, share and express common ground with others.

Dance therapy provides can be helpful for a wide range of patients and problems. It is useful for those with restricted movement of movement, whether from arthritis, aging, degenerative disease, or other causes. For the chronically ill or dying, it can aid in dealing with issues of death, pain and changes in body image. Children, who don’t have the patience or attention span for other forms of therapy, can benefit from the openness that comes with expressive dance. Adults whose emotions have been buried or who are not in touch with their feelings, as well as victims of abuse who are otherwise unable to articulate their problem, may find insight and release through dance. Even those confined to wheelchairs can move their upper body in response to musical rhythms.
Dance therapy can assist in interpersonal relationship within the family and can serve as communicator for those with speech and learning disabilities and autism. It is also a means of relaxation and stress reduction. Dance’s expressive element may also add an aesthetic and spiritual dimension to the experience. An evolving area of dance therapy is its in disease prevention and health promotion programs for the chronically ill.
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Please consult your health care provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition or ways in which to use alternative medicine.
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