Every Cell in my body vibrates with energy and health!

Spinal Touch

In its original form, Spinal Touch (ST) was known as Aquarian – Age Healing and was developed in the 1920s by two chiropractors, John Hurley and his wife Helen Sanders. Quite an avant-garde title for the time!
They became pioneers of light touch therapy, publishing in 1932 their book The Aquarian Age Healing. Their light touch technique contacted the energy systems of the body promoting a free flow of energy through muscles, bones and joints.

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Spinal Touch

Spinal Touch is a noninvasive tecnique, lightly touching key areas of the spine. Helps redirect inner energy of the body, the process causes the muscles to relax and gently pull the spine into it's more natural position. Properly applied, the spinal touch treatment has proven to be most effective in overcoming stress that has gone beyond the body's elastic limits.

Too much stress causes strain - strain left uncorrected causes distortion. Fatique and pain distortion left uncorrected leads to exhaustion and disease.

When we speak of the organs of the body, we are including all functions of the skeletal system, the muscular sytem, the nervous system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the sensory system, the urinary system and the reproductive system. Each system is dependent on every other system in the body organism to perform its function. When one part breaks down, it has an effect on the rest of the body systems, causing disruption to a greater or lesser extent.

The Alignment

With the client lying prone on the couch, the therapist gently massages the client’s postural muscles, starting at the buttocks and working up towards the cranial base. The technique is light and yet precise, and referred to as “rub outs”.

The contact point is held throughout the whole treatment and is separate to the rub – outs. The aim of holding onto the contact point is to restore the correct alignment between the centre of gravity and the counterweight while the distorted postural muscles are relaxed. This allows the muscles to regain a more balanced tension, left and right, with the centre of gravity in its correct position, removing tension in the muscular skeletal structure and allowing the body to repair any structural and postural changes.

Clients usually find the alignment part of the treatment very relaxing - some even fall asleep. During the alignment, the body begins to correct the postural distortion. If the distortion has been present for a prolonged period, a series of treatments will probably be necessary, and these should be explained to the client during their initial consultation. Diet and lifestyle changes may be recommended in order to help the body regain its normal posture and health.

Information on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider.
Please consult your health care provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition or ways in which to use alternative medicine.

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