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How Foot Detoxification Work


What is the Process?

The process is simple. You place your feet in a warm footbath. Then an array is put into the water, sea salt is added, now this will create thousands of ions in the water. It sends a small current in a circuit through the body and generates positive charged ions. It is very similar to reverse osmosis, and this session allows the toxins to bind and they are leached out into the water through your pores.

The soles of the feet and armpits are two of the body's discharge pathways for toxins (hence the odor). The use of antiperspirant blocks one of these pathways, and over time can result in an accumulation of chemicals in the body. The feet, being the largest pathway of the body, have been used for centuries to eliminate toxins. Traditionally, feet were placed in salty sand, to detoxify. This method, however, was effective but slow, and had limitations. The foot bath uses a direct micro-current that is very similar to low voltage electro-stimulation or cold laser, both of which have been proven to increase cellular ATP (stored energy). Introducing this increase in energy stimulate the cells to purge toxins at a much higher rate. The warm salt water is used as a conduit for exchanging ions - in other words the foot bath is like a magnet that energizes the cells and draws out toxic material right before your eyes.

What will I see in the Water?

You will notice a change in the water, and sludge that sits on the water. You can expect to see yeast (candida), heavy metals, cellular debris, mucous, parasites and pinworms. You will learn and be able to tell you what is leached out into the water and what organ has the highest level of toxins. After the treatment you may even experience a bowel movement immediately after. You may also feel very tired which is normal after you first few sessions, but then you will find your energy level will increase. Many patients notice that their skin conditions improve tremendously.

The Colour Chart

During the course of your Ionic Spa, you will notice a change in the water, it will be the change of colour and the bits of foreign matter which may appear as sediments, this is to be expected.

The water will change colour caused by a reaction between the toxins being pulled from your body, please note the Colour Chart below.


People that should not use the Ion Cleanse! 

*Those with a Pacemaker
*Those with open wounds on their feet
*Those taking Blood Thinners, (Lovenox, Warfin, Coumidin)
*Those with Type 1 Diabetics
*Organ Transplant Recipients
*Pregnant women or breast-feeding mothers
*Those on radiation therapy or chemo therapy
*Those on medication for Epilipsey or seizures of any kind

Before Using

Do not wear metal such as watches, nor use any computer or cellular or portable phone during an CS Ion Cleanse session. Damage to machine caused by using an electronic equipment during session are not covered under warranty!

People with low blood sugar should eat before using the CS Ion Cleanse.

Though not dangerous, persons having a metal joint implant may find exposure to the electromagnetic field generated by the CS Ion Cleanse to be uncomfortable. In cases of discomfort stop using the unit immediately. You may try lowering the power setting to a more comfortable level.

If taking prescription medication, take meds after or at least six hours prior to a CS Ion Cleanse session.

Because the CS Ion Cleanse is designed to eliminate toxins that the kidney and liver cannot eliminate on their own, as a general rule, it may be used by persons on dialysis or by those diagnosed with diabetes or congestive heart failure. However, people with these conditions, or any other medical condition, should consult their physician prior to implementing the CS Ion Cleanse as part of their healing program.

As the CS Ion Cleanse pulls toxins from the bloodstream it may also cause valuable electrolytes (calcium, potassium, sodium, and magnesium) to be purged from the body. To safeguard against this possibility, users are strongly encouraged to take supplements that provide the aforementioned minerals, preferably in liquid form, as well as fatty acids and vitamin C. Some people replace minerals with natural food sources, concentrated foods such as vegetable juices. Because over use of the CS Ion Cleans can deplete the body of nutrients and thus lower energy levels, please follow usage/frequency instructions carefully to achieve optimum results. Users should be properly hydrated prior to and after each foot bath session.


Information on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider.
Please consult your health care provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition or ways in which to use alternative medicine.
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