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It is difficult to directly compare Ionizing Water Filters with other forms of water filtration because an ionizer is so much more than a filter. However as many customers have asked us to do so, we present below our comparisons, based on many individual tests and research.


  • Charcoal
  • Reverse Osmosis
  • Distillers
  • Ultraviolet
  • Backflush
  • PiWater

Charcoal Water Filters utilize charcoal derived from coconut husk as a filter medium. This absorbs impurities as the water passes through. This form of filter comprises possibly 95% of those in use domestically, because they are simple to install, relatively economical, and filter out the most deadly of contaminants, Cryptosporidium and Guardia. An average charcoal filter will last a family 6-9 months. Some charcoal filters are enhanced by the use of activated silver, which provides extra antibacterial protection. Minerals in solution can still permeate a charcoal filter. These minerals are essential to health.

Reverse Osmosis water filters use a fine membrane to filter through osmotic process. They take everything out of the water, leaving it pure. Usually installed under-sink, they require a serviceman to come every few months to install a new membrane.

Distillers use electricity to heat tap water to boiling point. Impurities are left in the boiling container and the purified condensate drains back into a clean container. They require a fair degree of power and cannot give immediate supply, because the boiling process must be completed before water is available. There is now a number of reports that distilled water is not good to drink long term because it leaches nutrients from the body, being the most 'unnatural' of water. Please refer to other articles we have on this important subject.

Ultraviolet water filters use a UV light to kill bacteria in the water. They are very seldom seen in domestic units because of the problem of keeping the light clean. Some water ionizers have small UV lights fitted but they have been shown to have little or no effect.

Backflush filters: Every now and then a 'new' system appears on the market claiming to offer extremely long life without filter changes. This is usually a backflush system. There are no proven long-term backflush systems on the market - probably because their claims of long life without filter change never live up to the facts. They are almost always two to four times the cost of the basic charcoal water filter unit, but justify this by their claims of longevity. Imagine how your sink would look if you used only hot water and no scrubbing to clean it!

None of these groups provide ionization


There are many forms of water filters and all have some merit. These include:

  • Magnetic
  • Energetic
  • Vortex
  • Chemical additive


Fundamentally, this involves passing the water over or through a magnetic field. This has the effect of rearrangement of ions. Without the fundamental 'splitting' of ions that occurs in the Water Ionizer (H2O to OH- and HO) lasting change is not possible, although many claims are made by the manufacturers. Free standing magnetic units do not filter or change pH. WE have tested units that utilize magnetism and have found a wide variation in results.


These are usually attached at the entry of water to the home. They 'align' the water using various methods based to varying degree on the works of Viktor Schauberger, Pioneering water researcher. Although they do 'soften' the water, they do not change the pH or the REDOX (Positive or negative charge) of the water, nor do they filter the water. In our experience, water filters attached to systems with previously installed Energizers work extremely well.


A number of units use vortex flow of water prior to output. They also appear to soften the water, but do not filter, ionize or change the REDOX potential.

Chemical Additive

The most well known of these is MICROHYDRIN, a tablet that when added to water, changes the REDOX dramatically. Normal dose requirement per person is 4 per day at about $0.50 each.

A new entry to the market is "Unique Water" which is ordinary spring water with added magnesium carbonate. This wholesales at $0.55 per 600 ml bottle, and for minimum recommended therapeutic use, two bottles per person per day is recommended. For a family of four this comes to $1584 per year and slightly less than 3,000 plastic bottles per year. The water is not ionized.

Pi Water

PiWater is the combination of conventional filtration (sand bed, charcoal) with magnetic, mineral addition and FIR energetics. It acts like a standard countertop water filter but it also adds beneficial minerals to the water, changes the molecular structure, magnetizes and energizes using a unique form of ceramics. The Pi-Filter will last up to 3 years with normal use before needing replacement.


These comparisons on water filters are derived from our own experience and research. This comes from factory supplied test data plus certified laboratory tests we have had commissioned. We do not guarantee that every result is correct because we rely on data given us by suppliers.



Information on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider.
Please consult your health care provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition or ways in which to use alternative medicine.
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