Skin Care
Verilux® ClearWave® Skin Care Systems use the healing properties of light to help eliminate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles naturally. Exposing your skin to specific wavelengths of Natural Spectrum® red and blue therapeutic light, helps eliminate bacteria and promote cellular regeneration. ClearWave uses 414 to 440 nanometer(nm) of blue light and 660nm of red light to eliminate bacteria and enhance your skin’s overall condition, texture and appearance.
Each portion of the red and blue spectrum of light provides its own healing and regenerative qualities to your skin. The narrow band of blue spectrum light eliminates p-acne bacteria, the most common cause of pimples and blemishes. For fine lines and wrinkles, the red of light increases circulation, decreases inflammation and stimulates the production of collagen in the dermal layer of the skin.
This scientifically proven method is the safe, drug and chemical-free way to enhance the condition and appearance of your skin. ClearWave: the natural approach for clearer more beautiful skin.